Rockin' an Rollin' #9
  (MacGregor 1043)   Fenton Jones
one column


The heads to the right, circle up 4
You go walking down the floor
One full turn the same 2 ladies chain
The inside arch, the outside under
Square thru 3 and you go like thunder
3/4 round, give your gal a swing
Gents star left don't be slow
When you meet the gal you know
Promenade you're doin' mighty fine
Watch those big old drivers roll
As we shovel in the coal
On old rockin' an rollin' #9

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

1 & 3 a right & left thru (backaway)
2 & 4 1/2 square thru
Go right & left
Let's than do a little dosado
Eight chain thru right down the line
We'll greet the ladies right on time
On old rockin' an rollin' #9

When you're straight, swing and whirl
Left allemande that corner girl
Now promenade your lady down the line
Promenade 'em 2 by 2
Now you're home, she'll swing with you
On old rockin' an rollin' #9

August 1964. In the Opener/MiddleBreak/Closer, the caller wants the Outsides to California Twirl after the Inside Arch The Outside Under. I.e., a Dive Thru.

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