Hungry Eyes
  (Circle D 230)   Kevin Bacon, Dean Crowell
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

4 ladies chain, you turn that girl
Chain that lady right back home
Join hands, circle left go round now
Left allemande, do a dosado
Men star left go one time around
Now swing your girl and promenade
One more reason for my mama's hungry eyes

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

Heads square thru 4 hands around
Now find that corner dosado
Swing thru tonight and boys run right
Ferris wheel and right & left thru
Square thru go 3 hands around
Swing that corner, promenade
One more reason for my mama's hungry eyes

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 2

4 ladies chain, well you turn that girl
Roll away, circle left around you go
4 ladies roll away, circle that ring
Do a left allemande, weave the ring
She only wanted things she really needed
Swing that girl, promenade
One more reason for my mama's hungry eyes


Swing her now
I still recall my mama's hungry eyes

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