It Happened In Monterey
Frank Sinatra 1930
  (Top 25010)   Don Duffin
one column


4 little ladies chain across, and then you whirl away
You all join hands and circle left, to old Monterey
Allemande left with the corner girl, and then go allemande thar
You go right & left, you're gonna hang on tight, you back 'em in boys and star
Well shoot that star go full around, dosado that corner maid
And you come on back and swing 'n whirl, and all promenade
Your indiscreet heart goes dancing with this sweetheart
When you swing in old Monterey

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

The head 2 ladies chain across to old Mexico
You're going to dixie style to an ocean wave, rock on the alamo
Pass thru and circle 4, full around and then
The head 2 gents California twirl, you're going to circle up 4 again
You go halfway around then pass thru, swing on the corner one
Then allemande left and you come on back, promenade the one you swung
Your indiscreet heart goes dancing with this sweetheart
That you found in old Monterey

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