That's Where My Money Goes
  (Kalox 1047)   Vaughn Parrish
one column


Join your hands & circle left, go movin' round the ring
Walk all around your corner, turn partner left (or see saw your own)
Gents make a right hand star and roll it all the way round the land
Then allemande left and weave around that ring

*I work my fingers to the bone, so I can take more dollars home
Dosado when you meet your maid, take her hand and promenade
**My gal wears fancy clothes, square dance shoes and petticoats
Hey, that's where my money goes!

(Middle break)
*I'm workin' overtime at the mill, trying' to pay for my baby's bills
Dosado when you meet your maid, take her hand and promenade
**My gal drives a limousine, you know who buys the gasoline

*Bargain basements, sales galore, bill collectors at my door
Dosado when you meet your maid, take her hand and promenade
**My gal lives like a movie star, pink champagne and caviar

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 8, corner progression

Head ladies chain across you do, turn the girl and square thru
Count 4 hands around that town
Go right & left thru the outside two, stick out a right & swing thru
Then a grand old right & left around
It's in and out around until you dosado your maid
Go back and swing the corner gal and everybody promenade
***My gal wears fancy clothes, reptile shoes & nylon hose
Yeah, man - that's where my money goes!


***Promenade that pretty queen, see her fancy clothes, I mean


Bow to the partner and the corner, Joe
See there's where your money goes!

SEQUENCE (Opener, figure twice heads, break, figure twice sides, closer, tag)

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