Nickel For The Fiddler
  (Riverboat 221)   Nate Bliss
one column


Hey do an allemande left with the corner, turn partner by the right
Boys star left go straight across turn the opposite by the right
Make a wrong way thar and the boys back in with a left hand in & then
Slip the clutch, skip one, then a right & left grand my friend
*It's a nickel for the fiddler
It's a nickel for his tune

Swing that girl and you promenade, you go walkin around that room
**It's a high holiday on the 21st of June
It's country music in the park and in everybody's room

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Well the head (side) 2 couples promenade, go 1/2 way around the ring
Now lead to the right and circle 4, you make a line & then
Without a stop, go right & left thru
Turn the girl and then
Hey pass thru, tag the line, all face in
You box the gnat, slide thru, pass thru & swing
Swing the corner lady, promenade go round the ring
It's a nickel for the fiddler
It's a nickel for his tune
***Put a nickel in the tambourine
He'll play another tune


*It's fountains full of dogs and kids and mom's apple pie

**It's the ones who came to play
It's the ones who's passing by
It's a coat of many colors and it almost makes me cry

*He's a fiddler from the country
He swears he's 83

**It's the old ones and the young ones
And it's plain they have a dream
It's country music in the park
As far as they can see

***It's a nickel for the tambourine
On a Sunday afternoon


Hey bow to the partner, the corners all
And wave to the gal across the hall
And wink at the right hand lady
That's it, that's all

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Cue sheet: