Back To Donegal
Bing Crosby 1942
  (Rawhide 1253)   Buddy Weaver
one column


Allemande left your corner, dosado right there
Boys star by the Left go once inside the square
Home you go, partners all, box the gnat you see
Girls star by the left once around for me
Home you go, partners all, box the gnat again
Right & left grand around the ring, you're touching every hand
You promenade your partner, you promenade one and all
You're welcome as the flowers in Spring to dear, old Donegal

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 2, R-H lady progression

Four ladies chain across, hurry don't be slow
Four lady chain back again, turn 'em, here we go
Half sashay, face new lady, dosado around
Hey, when you're done, take two hand, ready for the "jig"
Heel, toe, in you go - heel, toe, and out
Heel, toe, in you go - heel, toe, and out, (promenade)
Promenade you're partner, go walkin' around that hall
You're welcome as the flowers in Spring to dear, old Donegal


You bow to your partner, corner too, that's it, that's all

Originally Rawhide 143. Instructions Following the Do Sa Do, dancers join both hands, palm-to-palm (no thumb grabbing). Start with man's left foot and girl's right foot, tap heel to the ground then toe to the ground then quickly small step to center, close man's right foot to left (lady's left foot to right), then step man's left and lady's right foot towards the center. Ready for man's right foot with lady's left foot to tap heel to the ground then toe to the ground, then quickly small step-close-step away from center. The step-close-step is done in cadence with the words "in you go". You may need to slow the music for the dancer's comfort.

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Cue sheet: