Ain't It Been Love
  (ESP 307)   Paul Marcum
one column


Circle left
Ain't it been good what we had together
Days to remember nights we shared

Walk around the corner, seesaw your own
Men star by the right around you roam
You'll do a left allemande come back & swing
Swing your own and promenade
Oh what a feeling knowing you need me
Ain't it been good, ain't it been real
Ain't it been love

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

The heads (sides) promenade you go 1/2 way
Walk into the middle & do a full square thru
4 hands and then..dosado..make a wave
Swing thru & then swing thru again
All 8 circulate, swing your corner and promenade
Oh what a feeling knowing you need me
Ain't it been good, ain't it been real
Ain't it been love

CLOSER    Basic

Circle left
Ain't it been good, I'm a believer
Our love will stand the test of time

Walk around the corner, seesaw your own
Men star by the right around you roam
You'll do a left allemande come back & swing
Swing your own and promenade
Oh what a feeling knowing you need me
Ain't it been good, ain't it been real
Ain't it been love


Ain't it been good, ain't it been real
Ain't it been love

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