Nita Hoedown
  (Solid Gold 109)   Tommy Russell
one column

Bow to the partner and the corner too
Heads start a split square thru 3
Girls trade - boys u-turn back
Touch 1/4 - coordinate
Cross over circulate
as couples follow your neighbor and Spread
triple trade - as couples explode the wave
boys trade - girls do a u-turn back
everybody single circle to a wave
lock it - cast a shadow
crossfire - transfer the column
end boy starts left swing thru
A.L. - Promenade

Sides slide thru and spread
Cross over circulate - ends bend
Split square thru 4 - horseshoe turn
Circle to a line - pass thru
Boys quarter in - girls quarter out
Centers in - explode and slide thru
Those facing start right & left thru
Veer left - chain down the line
Roll-a-way - square chain thru
Right & Left Grand

Heads Right & Left thru - individually roll
Boys cross over circulate
center four boys walk - girls dodge
transfer the column - scoot & dodge
boys trade - follow your neighbor and spread
cross over circulate - center four scoot & dodge
cast a shadow - all eight circulate
cycle & wheel
each four do the centers part of load the boat
only go three and 1/2 - tidal wave
lock it - spread - A.L. - Promenade

Sides touch 1/4 - boys cross
as couples single circle to a wave
cross over circulate - girls twice
boys u-turn - cast off 3/4
boys cross over circulate - girls u-turn back
cast a shadow - split circulate
1/4 thru - explode and square chain thru
Right & left grand - promenade

Heads wheel thru - right & left thru and roll
Follow your neighbor - spin chain and exchange the girls
Turn the star 1/2 - pass left shoulders
Split circulate - explode and ends turn thru
Centers double star thru - Step & slide
Boys put centers in - girls peel off
Centers trade - cast a shadow
Center four left 3/4 thru
Diamond circulate - 3/4 thru
Girls run - dixie style to wave
Explode - pass in
Ends roll - all turn thru
A.L. - promenade

Sides pair off - pass thru
Boys quarter in - girls quarter out
Centers trade - recycle and roll
Center 4 scoot and dodge
All cast a shadow
All 8 circulate - cycle and wheel
Girls cross over circulate
Coordinate - center 4 scoot & dodge
Cast a shadow - all 8 circulate
Cycle & wheel - pass thru
Centers swing thru - ends turn back
Ping pong circulate - ends roll & slide thru
Side boy run - and bend the line
Bow to partner

Data page:
Cue sheet: