  (Top 25106)   Paul Moore
one column

FIGURE (1)    Mainstream, no progression

Allemande left, go forward 2
Go right & left, turn back you do
Now swing your gal, swing old Sue
1 & 3 here's what you do
Just pass thru & separate
Go 'round just one & don't be late
Star thru, do a 1/2 square thru
Gonna meet the sides & eight chain thru
It's not according to the rules that you learn at music schools
But the folks just dance like fools, they love Goofus

Find the corner now & swing, swing that girl around and then
Allemande left new corner maid, dosado, then promenade
Can't read notes, but I play by ear
Just make up tunes on the sounds I hear
Whenever I play, the folks all say..sounds Goofus to me

FIGURE (2)   

Join your hands & circle left, circle left go 'round the set
Circle left go 'round the ring
Go all the way home and now you swing
Swing your honey and around you go
Turn to the corner and dosado
Come on back, turn your partner left
4 ladies chain
Watch 'em twirl, watch 'em whirl
They're alike all around the world

Chain 'em back, Those dancing girls, they love Goofus
Docey 'round the corner doll, come back & then seesaw
Allemande left with the corner maid
Then take your own and promenade
I learned to call back home in Ioway
Still remember to this day
How when I tried the folks all cried
Sounds Goofus to me

FIGURE (3)   

Allemande left, go forward 2
Go right & left, turn back you do
Now swing your gal, swing your Sue
1 & 3 here's what you do
Just pass thru & separate
Go 'round just one & don't be late
Star thru, do a 1/2 square thru
Gonna meet the sides & eight chain thru
Cornfed chords appeal to me
I like rustic harmony
Hold the note and change the key, that's called Goofus

Find the corner now & swing, swing that girl around and then
Allemande left new corner maid, dosado, then promenade
Can't keep time but I watch the floor
When you're catchin' up I call some more
Please don't say as the others do
Sounds Goofus to you

FIGURE (4)   

Join your hands & circle left, circle left go 'round the set
Circle left go 'round the ring
Go all the way home and then you swing
Swing your honey and around you go
Turn to the corner and dosado
Come on back, turn your partner left
4 ladies chain
And if I should forget my call
Won't you guys stay on the ball

Chain 'em back those dancing dolls
They love Goofus
Docey 'round the corner doll, come on back & then seesaw
Allemande left with the corner maid
Then take your own and promenade
There's one place I love to go
And that's the state called Idaho
Cause when I call the folks there bawl
Sounds Goofus to me

FIGURE (5)   

Allemande left, go forward 2
Go right & left, turn back you do
Now swing your gal, swing your Sue
2 & 4 here's what you do
Just pass thru & separate
Go 'round just one & don't be late
Star thru, do a 1/2 square thru
Gonna meet the heads & eight chain thru
Well I call 'em high & I call 'em low
And no one knows quite how to go
But they all just love it so, they love Goofus

Find the corner now & swing, swing that girl around and then
Allemande left new corner maid, dosado, then promenade
Can't read notes but I play by ear
Just make up tunes on the sounds I hear
Whenever I play, the folks all say, sounds Goofus to me


Join your hands & circle left, circle left go 'round the set
Circle left go 'round the ring
Go all the way home and then you swing
Swing your honey and around you go
Turn to the corner and dosado
Come on back, turn your partner left
4 ladies chain
Now it's not according to the rules
That you learn at music schools

But chain them back, those dancing jewels
They love Goofus
Dosado that corner doll, seesaw your own and then
Allemande left new corner maid
Come back and promenade
California here I come right back where I started from
And don't you say like all the rest
Goofus dancin' is the best


Allemande left, go forward 2
Go right & left, turn back you do
Now swing your gal, swing your Sue
2 & 4 here's what you do
Just pass thru & separate
Go 'round just one & don't be late
Star thru, do a 1/2 square thru
Gonna meet the heads & eight chain thru
It ain't humdrum or burdensome
It's extra choice, it's premium
You try some and you'll succumb
You'll love Goofus

Find the corner now and swing, swing that girl around and then
Allemande left new corner maid, dosado, then promenade
I can't make up any more of these verses
The further I go, the getter they worses
So let me say before you do
Sounds Goofus to me, too


(4 beats)
Da da da da da da

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