One Step Forward
  (Double M 286)   Jim Kline
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
You held me up held me down
Made me crazy then you brought me around

Left allemande, turn partner right
Left allemande, weave the ring
Were my shelter and my storm
Swing your partner, promenade
You were my fever and my cure
Made me doubt and you made me sure

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads square thru and count em four
Meet that corner lady dosado
Swing thru, spin the top
Boys move up, right & left thru
Square thru, count 'em three
Swing your corner then you promenade
You were my hope and my fear
You were my laughter and my tear


Sides face grand square
One step forward and two steps back
Nobody gets too far like that
One step forward and two steps back
This kind of dance can never last

Girls promenade inside the ring
Back home, swing, promenade I sing
One step forward and two steps back
This kind of dance can never last

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