From A Jack To A King
Elvis Presley (1969); Hank Snow 1957
  (Silver Spur 115)   Del Price
one column

FIGURE    C1, R-H lady progression

Well, 1 & 3 (2 & 4) you ladies chain, then promenade 3/4 round that ring
While 2 & 4 (1 & 3) you do a right & left thru, square thru 3/4 round
Split the ring around just one, make a line
Go forward eight and back, dosado
Pass thru, twist the line you know, eight chain thru that's what you do
For just a little while I thought that I might lose the game
Dosado, swing your corner lady round, left allemande, come back and dosado
You promenade around with your queen, she'll make you king of her heart

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 3, R-H lady progression

Well, join your hands and make a ring, hey circle left and then you'll hear me sing
Left allemande, grand right & left that ring and when you meet you dosado
Girls star left, go once around, you'll turn your partner with the right hand round
Gents star left, go walkin round that town, you take your partner arm around
Well, now the gents back out, the girls swing in
Star promenade, four ladies rollaway, promenade that way
Girls turn back, left allemande, come back and dosado and promenade with your queen
She'll make you king of her heart


You're swinging now with your queen
She'll make you king of her heart

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