Ride The Train
Alabama 1981
  (Coyote 826)   Don Coy
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
The Orange Blossom Special, the Wabash Cannon Ball
The Chattanooga Choo-Choo, you know I've rode them all

Left allemande, run home and dosado
Allemande left with the corner and weave around that ring
Trains, ridin' trains
Swing the ladies round and promenade
Sleeping in a boxcar when it rains
Ridin' trains, ridin' trains

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Head couples promenade halfway round
Down the middle square thru 4 hands around
4 hands and then go right & left thru
Veer to the left and ferris wheel around you do
Square thru 3 hands around
Swing the corner lady, promenade
Sleeping in a boxcar when it rains
Ridin' trains, ridin' trains


All 4 ladies promenade go once inside the ring
Get back home and swing, hey swing that handsome man
Join hands and you circle to left and then
Allemande the corner of the hall and weave around that set
Train, ride the train
Swing the ladies and promenade
Sleeping in a boxcar when it rains
Ridin' trains, ridin' trains

CLOSER    Basic

Circle to the left
The Orange Blossom Special, the Wabash Cannon Ball
The Chattanooga Choo-Choo, you know I've rode them all

Walk around the corner lady, see saw your pet
Allemande left with the old left hand and weave around that ring
Ridin' trains, ridin' trains
Anywhere I go I ride trains
Sleeping in a boxcar when it rains
Ridin' trains, ridin' trains

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=17222
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=17222
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=464