Peel Me A Nanner
Roy Drusky 1963
  (A & S 122)   Donnie DeVore
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
*There I stood with all my innocence
Loving her with all my might
Come to find I didn't have any sense
She had a different darling every night

Circle left
Peel me a nanner, toss me a peanut
Left allemande, swing and promenade
Peel me a nanner, toss me a peanut
I'll come swing from a coconut tree


*I gave her kisses and I gave her loving
Trying to please her every little whim
All turned out to be a big fat nothing
She up and ran away with him

*Now that you have gone and left me
I might as well forget about them
Just as well stay in the jungle there
And swing from a coconut tree

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Heads (sides) promenade and travel halfway around the ring
Walk into the middle and square thru 4 hands and go
Go all the way and do a right & left thru
Veer to the left and ferris wheel into the middle and go
Centers square thru 3 to the corner lady swing
Swing the corner and promenade her on home
Peel me a nanner, toss me a peanut
**I'll come swing from a coconut tree


**Somebody made a monkey out of me


Somebody made a monkey out of me

Data page:
Cue sheet: