Guitar Polka
  (Prairie 1002)   Al Horn
one column

FIGURE (4 times through)    Mainstream, corner progression

Let's all join hands, circle left, around you go
Left allemande you'll dosado
1 & 3 (2 & 4) star by the left, don't be slow
Corner dosado full around, look em in the eye
Eight chain thru you'll do, Well here comes Cindy Lou**
You'll count 8 around in style
You meet this corner girl and then you'll swing and whirl
Join eight hands and circle left awhile
Do an allemande left in the alamo style and balance
Turn right half way, and balance again
Turn by the left full around pull corner by
Left allemande, go right & left grand
Hand over hand you go to the polka band you know
Back to back, left allemande and then
You'll take a walk and then let's talk
While dancing to the old guitar


**Becky Sue
**Jeannie Lou
**Nellie Sue


You're dancing
You're dancing
You're dancing to the ol guitar

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Cue sheet: