Fire It Up
Joe Cocker 2012
  (Royal 1608)   Hunter Keller
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
She's sitting staring out a window
Trying to figure out just what to do
The last time that she gave her heart away
It came back broken in two

Allemande left and weave the ring
And then her heart said: "Fire it up"
And her soul said: "Fire it up"
And her mind said: "Fire it up"
Let love live again

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 11, corner progression

Heads promenade halfway
Square thru 4
Right & left thru
Half sashay, box the gnat
Square thru 3 hand around, trade by
Swing and promenade her around
And her (his) mind said: "Fire it up"
Let love live again

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
He's sitting in a subway station
Watching as the trains go flying by

Left allemande the corner, dosado you own
Allemande your corner and weave the ring
And then his heart said: "Fire it up"
And his soul said: "Fire it up"
And his mind said: "Fire it up"
Let love live again

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
Here we are together you and me
Still trying to figure out the world

Left allemande the corner, dosado you own
Allemande your corner and weave the ring
And then our hearts said: "Fire it up"
And our souls said: "Fire it up"
And our minds said: "Fire it up"
Let love live again


Let love live again, Let love live again

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