Jimmy Buffett 1979
  (Rhythm 333)   Mike Seastrom
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
She came down from Cincinnati
It took her three days on the train
Looking for peace and quiet
Hope to see the sun

Allemande and weave the ring
Can't you feel 'em circling honey
Can't you feel 'em
, swing promenade (swimming around)
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you're the only bait in town

FIGURE    Mainstream - SSD Week 12, corner progression

Heads pass thru and promenade left back home
Sides square thru count 'em four
Go all the way and do the right and left thru
Veer left and ferris wheel once more
Centers pass thru, touch 1/4, and scoot back
Swing corner girl, promenade
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you're the only girl in town

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
But now she lives down by the ocean
She's takin care to look for sharks
They hang out at all the local places
And they feed right after dark

Allemande and weave
Can't you feel 'em closing in honey
Can't you feel 'em schooling around
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you're the only bait in town


Sides face, grand square
But now she feels like a remora
Cause the school's still close at hand
Just behind the reef are the big white teeth
Of the sharks that swim on land

Allemande and weave
Can't you feel 'em closing in, honey
Can't you feel 'em schooling around
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you're the only bait
Four ladies chain over and back


You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you're the only girl in town

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