Queen Victoria / The Bonnets Of Bonnie Dundee
  (Lloyd Shaw 173 / 174)   Don Armstrong
one column


Contra lines, 1, 3, 5, etc., couples active but not crossed over


Actives turn partner right
Actives turn partner left once and a half to give right to corners
Balance forward and back twice
Turn corners right once around, men turn alone, all face down
Down in fours, actives wheel, ends turn alone
Come back to place and cast off
Right & left thru
Right & left back


* Actives turn partner right (Using the pigeon wing handholds throughout, the
actives turn partner by right and back into own lines.)

* Actives turn partner left once and a half to give right to corners (Actives turn
partners left once and a half, and without releasing partners left, join right hands
with the ones below (corners) in a line of four (Ocean Wave). The men are facing up,
the ladies facing down.)

* Balance forward and back twice (Either a forward and back balance or pas de basque
balance steps may be used twice (eight counts).)

* Turn corners right once around, men turn alone, all face down (Actives turn
corners right exactly once around, drop hands with corners and men turn half (right
face) so all four are facing down the set.)

* Down in fours, actives wheel, ends turn alone (Lines dance four steps down the set
with actives in the center. Actives release corners and wheel turn as a couple in
four step as the ends (corners) turn alone in four step, ending with all four facing
up the set and with hands rejoined in lines of four.)

* Come back to place and cast off (Lines dance four steps up to place, actives
release each other and cast off. Progression has been made, active have moved down
one place in line, inactives up one place.)

* Right & left thru

* Right & left back

Side A is vocal by Don Armstrong. Flip side is LS-174: The Bonnets Of Bonnie Dundee, which is the instrumental tune used for side A.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=15773
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=15773