Smile, Darn Ya, Smile / Sugarfoot
Sammy Davis Jr. 1931
  (Dance Ranch 1120)   Buddy Weaver
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Mainstream

Circle left
Smile, darn ya, smile
Reverse back in single file
Now girls backtrack and watch them smile
You'll turn thru, allemande left, weave around the ring
Things are never black as they are painted
Time for you and joy to get acquainted
Make life worthwhile
Smile, darn ya, smile

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

Heads promenade and you go halfway
Walk in and square thru while you're here that way
Go all the way and do the right & left thru
Veer left and ferris wheel around you do
Oh, square thru three hands, that corner lady swing
Swing your corner then you promenade that ring
Make life worthwhile
Smile, darn you, smile


Smile, darn ya, smile

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