Frosty The Snowman
Jimmy Durante; Ella Fitzgerald; and many others 1950
  (Flip 111)   Johnnie Roth
one column


Bow to your partner, circle round the ring
Allemande left your corner, turn your own a right hand swing
Men star by the left now, its once around you go
Dosado when you get back home, then promenade you know
All four couples wheel around, girls star right you go
Turn your partner left hand round, roll promeno
Frosty the snowman, had to hurry on his way
Well you get back home and swing and sway
It's a happy, happy day

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Head couples square thru 4 hands around the ring
Right & left thru with the outside two, turn the girl and then
Dive thru and square thru 3/4 round you go
Split the sides and go round one, in the middle dosado
Go all the way round then back right out, your corners allemande
Dosado your partner, swing the corner, promeno
Frosty the snowman, had to hurry on his way
Take her home and tell her boys
It's a happy, happy day


It's a happy, happy day

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