A Change In Me
  (Sets In Order 143)   Johnny LeClair
one column


4 ladies chain 3/4 and you turn 'em around
Join your hands and circle 8, you circle left around
4 ladies rollaway, grand ol' right & left
Well la dee la
You promenade around, but don't you stop
Well now the heads (sides) wheel around
You do a right & left thru, cross trail on back
Allemande left you do
Come back and promenade her home and swing
La dee la, could've been a change in me

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 7, R-H lady progression

(I say) 4 ladies chain 3/4 and you turn 'em around
Heads you pass on thru, go 'round just one you do
Go forward 8 come back, all 8 star thru
Center 4 square thru 3/4 round, allemande
Grand right & left
*Well I was very young, my mommy always said
You'll do a dosado and promenade, instead (once more) (on down) (I say)
But I found out that she could swing
Ah-hah! Could've been a change in me


*I started noticing the little girl next door

*Now as the years went by I sure did get around

*But now I met a gal who stole my heart away


I say
Could've been a change in me

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=13279
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=13279