Shining Rudolph's Nose
  (Top 25027)   Decko Deck
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Allemande left the corner, dosado your own
Men you star with a big left hand once around you go
Pick up that girl with an arm around, star promenade I say
Inside out, once and a half, 4 ladies chain and go
Chain them over, chain them on back again, well now corner dosado
Come back and promenade them, promenade them home with me
Go home, swing and twirl your pretty little girl
Right under that Christmas tree


Head two whirl away with a half sashay, go up to the middle and back
Star thru in front, face in the middle
Pass thru and make a right hand star, you turn it once around
Head couples star with a big left hand back to the corner
You box the gnat with the corner, swing and twirl the girl
Swing that lady go round and round, left allemande new corner
Come back, promenade her round again
Where Rudolph's nose is shining bright again and lights just like a star
It guides you home tonight no matter where you are

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