Black Sheep
John Anderson 1983
  (Red Boot 2991)   Mike Hoose
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Four ladies promenade go once inside the ring
Back home and swing with that man
Join your hands, circle to the left you go
You do a left allemande, why don't you weave the ring
Big brother, little brother, sister, too
Dosado that girl and promenade
*They feel sorry for me cause
I'm the black sheep of the family


*They never mention me cause
I'm the black sheep of the family

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Well the heads (sides) promenade go halfway around
While the sides (heads) do a right & left thru
Square thru and you go four hands around you know
Dosado that corner girl and do an eight chain four
Well I tell her what my papa said to my mama
Swing that corner girl and promenade
Woman, wake me up early, be good to my dogs
And teach my children to pray

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 11

Circle left
Well I drive me a big old semi truck
I'm making payments on a two room shack

The men star right go once around
Left allemande then you box the gnat
Well four ladies promenade and roll it once inside the ring
Swing that man and promenade
Except me...
I'm the black sheep of the family


Swing her
The black sheep of the family

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