They Never Give Rosie A Ring
  (MacGregor 2188)   Monty Wilson
one column


Allemande left with an allemande thar, go forward two my friend
Right, left, the men hang on, you've got a back up star and then
Shoot that star a full turn, with the corner dosado
Same girl you box the gnat then weave around that ring go
Too many beaus when she should have one
Dosado, you promenade and sing
Oh, the fellas all telephone Rosie
But they never give Rosie a ring

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

Head (side) couples you curlique, now boys you run right
Right & left thru, turn the girl, you dive thru tonight
Hey pass thru, you square thru 3 hands around you know
Trade by, star thru, circle left around that ring go
Too many beaus when she should have one
Left allemande, you promenade and sing
Oh, the fellas all telephone Rosie
But they never give Rosie a ring


No, they never give Rosie a ring

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