Nobody's Sweetheart
Benny Goodman and others 1924
  (Go 108)   Mel Holly
one column


Allemande left the corner, then swing
Join hands and circle, make a ring
Sashay corners all, see saw your taw
Men star right in the middle of the floor
Full turn and 1/4 more, allemande left and move around that ring (right & left grand)
When you meet your lady, promenade
You promenade the ring, take her home and swing
She's nobody's sweetheart now

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 6, corner progression

The heads move it up, come back
Square thru 4 hands around the track
Meet the sides a dosado, all the way round you know
Then a right & left thru and turn that Sue
Now duck to the middle, then go, square thru 3/4
Then swing, promenade that lady round the ring
You promenade on home, swing her like your own
She's nobody's sweetheart now


The heads move it up, come back
Square thru 4 hands around the track
Meet the sides a dosado, all the way round you know
Then a right & left thru then hoop-dee-doo
Then square thru you know 3/4 round
Now swing, promenade that lady round the ring
You promenade on home, swing her like your own
She's nobody's sweetheart now

(Hoop-dee-doo: Center couples separate, star thru behind outside couple.)

Data page:
Cue sheet: