Let's Get Back To Me And You
  (Quadrille 927)   John Kwaiser
one column


4 ladies chain turn that girl
Roll away and circle left now
4 ladies roll away, circle left around and then
Left allemande then weave the ring
Let's get back to love, back to dreamin' love
Swing your lady, promenade
Let's start holding hands, let's start making plans
Honey, let's get back to me and you

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

Head 2 couples promenade halfway around
Walk in and do a full square thru
Go all the way around and do a right & left thru
Pass thru, trade by, star thru
Square thru 3, that corner swing
Swing that lady, promenade
Let's start holding hands, let's start making plans
Honey, let's get back to me and you

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

4 ladies promenade one time around
Back home and swing with your man
You join up hands and circle left, circle left around that ring
Left allemande and weave the ring
Let's get back to love, back to dreamin' love
All those little things we used to do
Let's start holding hands, let's start making plans
Honey, let's get back to me and you


Let's get on back to me and you

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=11624
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=11624