There's No Place Like Hawaii
Waikiki Beach Boys (Koa Pedro, Bobby Ingano, Mahi Pekelo, Mark Amundson) 1960
  (MacGregor 2426)   Al Stevens
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
You can travel here and there, you can travel everywhere
But there's no place like Hawaii
It has everything and more than you've ever seen before
There's no place like Hawaii

Circle left
There's a saying old but very true
When you leave Hawaii goes with you

Oh what beauty you will see, and what hospitality
There's just not place like Hawaii

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

Heads you promenade halfway, go walking with your maid
Come down the middle and do the right & left thru
Those two ladies chain 3/4 around I sing
Side men turn them with a half sashay, circle left go
You can't tell December from June
Swing your corner and you promenade her home
It's the dream of everyone, everyone beneath the sun
Oh there's no place like Hawaii

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
It's like heaven just to be on the beach at Waikiki
Oh there's no place like Hawaii
Girls with flowers in their hair and the muu-muus that they wear
Oh there's no place like Hawaii

Circle left
You can't tell December from June
What a way to spend a honeymoon

It's the dream of everyone, everyone beneath the sun
Oh there's no place like Hawaii

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