Till The Answer Comes
  (Diamond 101)   Mike DeSisto, Jet Roberts
one column

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Four ladies promenade one time around
Get back home and swing there with your man
Join hands and circle walking round the ring
Allemande that corner and weave the ring
Until the answer comes you gotta keep praying
Swing a little girl and you promenade
Till the answer comes you gotta keep praying
Keep praying till the answer comes

FIGURE    Mainstream - SSD Week 12, corner progression

Heads (sides) square thru four hands, you're gonna go
To the corner lady and you do a dosado
Swing thru two by two then the boy run right
Bend the line and do the right & left thru
Pass the ocean then recycle
Swing that corner, promenade
Until the answer comes you gotta keep praying
Keep praying till the answer comes

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
If you knock one time and there's no answer
Don't turn away from the door
You got to knock again until you get let in
Sometimes it only takes once more

Four ladies promenade one time you go
Get back, swing and promenade
Until the answer comes you gotta keep praying
Keep praying till the answer comes


Keep praying till the answer comes

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=11069
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=11069