Rollin' With The Flow
  (Windsor 5074)   Marlin Hull
one column


Do an allemande left the corner, go forward two
Right and left, turn back one, curlique
Make an alamo ring and balance
Swing thru two by two, balance once again
Swing thru two by two, and then, right & left grand
Grand right & left till you meet your own
Do a dosado your partner, promenade along
Somehow it's on and on I go
Ah, but I just keep on rollin' with the flow

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

1 & 3 (2 & 4) promenade halfway around the ring
Down the middle square thru four hands around I sing
All the way curlique, follow your neighbor & spread
Ladies trade with the left, recycle two by two
Pass thru, trade by, that corner lady swing
Swing that lady round and promenade the ring
And I'm never growing old
Just keep on rollin' with the flow


And I still like rock and roll

Data page:
Cue sheet: