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Wheel The Ocean | Sea [C2]
   (Betty Fricker 1972)
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From Back-to-Back Couples or Tandem Couples. EN: 10
Z formací Back-to-Back Couples nebo Tandem Couples. CZ: 10

Wheel The Ocean [C2]:
Leaders (or designated dancers) Wheel Around; Belles diagonally Right Pull By. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 20
Leaders (nebo označení tanečníci) Wheel Around; Belles diagonally Right Pull By. Končí v pravém Mini-Wave Boxu. CZ: 20

Wheel The Sea [C2]:
Leaders (or designated dancers) Wheel Around; Belle Walk, Beau Dodge. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box. EN: 30
Leaders (nebo označení tanečníci) Wheel Around; Belle Walk, Beau Dodge. KOnčí v levém Mini-Wave Boxu. CZ: 30

Wheel The Ocean | Sea is a 2-part call. EN: 40
Wheel The Ocean | Sea má dvě části. CZ: 40

Wheel The Ocean
Wheel Around
Belles diagonal
Right Pull By
(Leaders Start)
Wheel The Sea
Wheel Around
Belles Walk, Beaus Dodge

  • In both cases the Belles go across to other half of the Box. EN: 50
    V obou případech jdou Belles příčně do druhé části boxu. CZ: 50
  • Wheel The Ocean ends in a Right-hand Box, Wheel The Sea ends in a Left-hand Box. EN: 60
    Wheel The Ocean končí v pravém boxu, Wheel The Sea končí v levém boxu. CZ: 60
  • Wheel The Ocean | Sea can also be done from Promenade position. In this case, those designated Wheel Around (to form Parallel Facing Lines); Belles go across to form a R-H Box if Ocean (or L-H Box if Sea). Hint: After doing the Wheel Around, make sure you are squared to the walls, then finish the call. EN: 70
    Wheel The Ocean | Sea může být provedeno i z Promenády. V takovém případě udělá označený pár Wheel Around (tím vzniknou Parallel Facing Lines); Belles jdou křížem do pravého (Ocean) nebo levého (Sea) boxu. Poté, co uděláte Wheel Around, zarovnwjte čtverylku podle stěn, pak dokončete figuru. CZ: 70

Wheel Around [Basic]:
From a Couple. Left Cast 1/2. (Be sure to always Cast to the Left.) EN: 927
Z formace Couple. Left Cast 1/2. (toÄŤení je vždy doleva) CZ: 927

1/4 (or 3/4) Wheel The Ocean | Sea [C3A] (Bob Urbasik 1984):
From a L-H (or R-H) Two-Faced Line. Left Cast 1/4 (or 3/4) (to end in Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean: Belles diagonally Right Pull By; Sea: Belles Walk as Beaus Dodge.) Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. EN: 193
Z formace levá (nebo pravá) Two-Faced Line. Left Cast 1/4 (nebo 3/4) (abyste skonÄŤili ve formaci Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean znamená: Belles diagonally Right Pull By; Sea znamená: Belles Walk zatímco Beaus Dodge.) KonÄŤí ve formaci Mini-Wave Box. CZ: 193

1/4 Wheel The Ocean
Left Cast 1/4
Belles diagonal
Right Pull By

CALLERLAB definition for Wheel the Ocean
CALLERLAB definition for Wheel the Sea

Choreography for Wheel The Ocean | Sea

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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16-September-2024 12:51:17
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