Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From the given formation.

The two dancers who are closest to the Center of the set and who are facing in lead the Unwrap by walking straight ahead (moving slightly inward as necessary) to become #1 in a Column. Other dancers do formation Circulates until reaching the lead dancer's starting position & then walk straight ahead to follow the lead dancer.

Ends in Columns.


Unwrap The Galaxy  ( and lead)

Unwrap The Galaxy
Unwrap The Butterfly  ( and lead)

Unwrap The Butterfly
Unwrap The Diamonds  ( and lead)

Unwrap The Diamonds
Very Centers lead Unwrap The Diamonds  ( and lead)

Very Centers lead
Unwrap The Diamonds
Unwrap The Diamonds (from Facing Diamonds)

Note: on this example, carefully do your part.
Dancers end on the same spot and therefore take Right-hands.

Unwrap The Diamonds

CONTRAST THE FOLLOWING (both start from Offset Diamonds):

This is the starting formation
for each of the following:

Offset Unwrap The Diamonds

Unwrap The Offset Diamonds

Wrap To A formation [C3A] (Lee Kopman 1976): From Columns. #1 dancer 1/2 Split Circulate and Phantom formation Circulate 2 as the #2 dancer Circulate, 1/2 Split Circulate and Phantom formation Circulate as the #3 dancer Circulate 2 & 1/2 as the #4 dancer Circulate 3; all adjust as necessary to end in the given formation. -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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