Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

A Trapezoid is a Distorted 2 x 2 that can be formed from a normal 2 x 2 after any two adjacent dancers each move a distance of one matrix position directly away from each other. EN: 10
Trapezoid (台形) は Distorted (ゆがんだ) 2 x 2 で, 普通の 2 x 2 から隣り合った人のどちらかが, お互いに離れるように 1 ポジション動いたときにできます. update JP: 10

From a 2 x 4, there are two Trapezoids. The Ends of one side work with the Centers of the other side within a Distorted Box. EN: 20
2 x 4 から, 2 つの Trapezoid があります. Ends は, 反対側の Centers と Distorted Box で動きます. JP: 20

Trapezoid Formation:

From here... EN: 30
ここから... JP: 30
imagine you are here... EN: 40
ここにいると思って... JP: 40
or here. EN: 50
またはここ. JP: 50


Trapezoid Couple Up:

Trapezoid Couple Up

Once Removed Trapezoid Counter Rotate 1/4:
(This is very difficult, even at C4) EN: 80
(これは, C4 であっても, とても難しいです) JP: 80

Once Removed Trapezoid
Counter Rotate 1/4

次も見てください Magic Line | Wave CONCEPT [C3B]

which (from Parallel Lines) involves the same footprints, but dancers work within a Distorted Line instead of a Distorted Box. EN: 90
Magic では, 平行な Line から同じ位置で動きますが, Distorted Box でなく Distorted Line で動きます. JP: 90 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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