Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Facing Lines (or a R-H Tidal Wave). EN: 10
Från Facing Lines (eller en R-H Tidal Wave). SE: 10

  1. Centers Square Thru 3 as Ends Pass Thru & Ends Bend; EN: 20
    Centers Square Thru 3 medan Ends Pass Thru & Ends Bend; SE: 20
  2. Split Square Thru 2;
  3. Trade By.

Ends in an Eight Chain Thru. EN: 30
Slutar i en Eight Chain Thru. SE: 30

Square The Bases
Centers Square Thru 3
medan Ends Pass Thru & Ends Bend
Split Square Thru 2
Trade By


Square The Bases But anything [C1]:
Do a Square The Bases but replace the Split Square Thru 2 and the Trade By with the anything call. Be aware that there are some callers who may expect you to do a Trade By after the anything call. In this case, the caller should be more explicit by saying Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anythingEN: 532
Gör en Square The Bases men byt ut Split Square Thru 2 och Trade By mot anything callet. Var medveten om att en del caller förväntar sig att du gör en Trade By efter anything callet. I detta fall borde callern mer uttryckligt säga Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anythingSE: 532

Square The Bases Plus 2 [C4]:
Do a Square The Bases but replace the Split Square Thru 2 with a Split Square Thru 4. EN: 533
Gör en Square The Bases men byt ut Split Square Thru 2 mot Split Square Thru 4. SE: 533 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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