Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines and other applicable 2 x 4 formations (such as Facing Lines, Back-to-Back Lines, and some T-Bones). EN: 10
平行な Two-Faced Line と他の適切な 2 x 4 formation (例えば向かい合った Line, 背中合わせの Line, そしてある T-Bone) から. JP: 10

Ends Split Circulate as Out-facing Centers Crossover Circulate as In-facing Centers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate. EN: 20
Ends は Split Circulate を, 外を向いた Centers は Crossover Circulate を, 中を向いた Centers は Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate をします. JP: 20

Parallel Two-Faced Lines end in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
平行な Two-Faced Line からは, 平行な Wave で終わります. JP: 30

Parallel Two-Faced Lines から:

Scatter Circulate
T-Bone setup から:

Scatter Circulate


Funny Scatter Circulate  (from Parallel 3 & 1 Lines)

Funny Scatter Circulate

The above example is an instance of Funny where it is not those facing who do the call. The dancers who can move are those who can do the call in the normal manner without ending on the same spot as another dancer. EN: 60
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From Parallel Waves and other applicable formations. Leaders Switch the Wave as Center Trailers Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate as End Trailers Split Circulate. Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 164
平行な Wave または他の適切な formation から. Leaders が Switch the Wave をする間に, Center Trailers は Concentric (Box) Crossover Circulate を, End Trailers は Split Circulate をします. 平行な Wave からは, 平行な Two-Faced Line で終わります. JP: 164

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