Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Parallel Waves. EN: 10
平行な Wave から. JP: 10

Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate, Circulate twice, and do the last half of a Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Hinge, Box Circulate twice, Hinge, and Extend. EN: 20
Leaders は, 1/2 Split Circulate, Circulate twice をし, last half of a Split Circulate (Split Circulate の後半) をします. Trailers は, Extend, Hinge, Box Circulate twice, Hinge をし, Extend をします. JP: 20

Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
平行な Wave で終わります. JP: 30

Rotary Circulate

Dancing Hint: The Trailers part is often danced as Extend, Hinge, Box Counter Rotate 1/2 (holding on to the same person!), Hinge, and Extend. EN: 40
ダンスのヒント: Trailers のパートはしばしば, Extend, Hinge, Box Counter Rotate 1/2 (同じ人と手を離さずに!), Hinge, Extend のように踊られています. JP: 40



The caller can designate either the Ends or the Centers to Circulate a different number of positions (i.e., Rotary Circulate But Centers Circulate 3 spots). EN: 70
応用: コーラーは, Ends および Centers の Circulate で動くポジションの数を, Rotary Circulate But Centers Circulate 3 spots のように指示することができます. JP: 70

Cheat: Follow Thru; Circulate twice; Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag. EN: 80
Cheat: Follow Thru; Circulate twice; Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag. JP: 80

Contour The Line [C4]:
From a Generalized Line. Hinge; Box Circulate twice; Hinge. Ends in a Wave or Inverted Line. This is a 4-part call. EN: 780
Contour The Line [C4]: 一般的な Lineから. Hinge; Box Circulate twice; Hinge をします. Wave または Inverted Line で終わります. 4 パートのコールです. JP: 780

Contour The Line
 Box Circulate twice
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