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Reshape (The Triangle) [C2]
   (Johnny Preston 1982)
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From a Wave-Based Triangle or Tandem-Based Triangle. EN: 10
Z formací Wave-Based Triangle nebo Tandem-Based Triangle. CZ: 10

Move forward to the next Triangle position, changing your facing direction (by turning toward the Center of the Triangle) 90° or 180° as appropriate to change a Tandem-Based Triangle into a Wave-Based Triangle or vice-versa. EN: 20
Jděte dopředu na další Triangle pozici a změnte směr pohledu o 90° nebo 180° tak, abyste změnili Tandem-Based Triangle na Wave-Based Triangle nebo naopak. CZ: 20

Z Wave-Based Triangles:

Z R-H Triangle:

Z L-H Triangle:


Z Tandem-Based Triangles:

Z R-H Triangle:

Z L-H Triangle:


  • Reshape The Triangle feels a lot like a Split Counter Rotate 1/4 working to Triangle footprints. In practice, you can dance Reshape as Triangle Counter Rotate 1/4 to footprints, and one of the dancers Roll in order to form a Triangle of the other type. From a Wave-Based Triangle, Reshape feels like Triangle Counter Rotate 1/4, original Apex dancer Roll. From a Tandem-Based Triangle, Reshape feels like Triangle Counter Rotate 1/4, new Apex dancer Roll. EN: 30
    Figura Reshape The Triangle je cítěta hodně jako Split Counter Rotate 1/4 prováděné na Trianglových pozicích. V praxi to tak opravdu můžete udělat s tím, že pak jeden tanečník udělá Roll, aby změnil typ trianglu. Z formace Wave-Based Triangle je Reshape jako Triangle Counter Rotate 1/4 a původní Apex Roll. Z formace Tandem-Based Triangle je Reshape jako Triangle Counter Rotate 1/4 a nový Apex Roll. CZ: 30
  • If you start in a Tandem-Based Triangle, you must end in a Wave-Based Triangle and vice-versa. EN: 40
    Pokud začínate v Tandem-Based Triangle, musíte skončit ve Wave-Based Triangle a naopak. CZ: 40
  • From normal (not Facing or Funny) Triangles, the facing direction of the Apex position does not change. EN: 50
    Z normálních triangů (nikoliv Facing nebo Funny) se směr pohledu Apex nemění. CZ: 50
  • Maintain the handedness of the Triangle. If you start in a R-H Triangle you must end in a R-H Triangle. EN: 60
    Udržujte typ trianglu. Pravoruký triangl musí zůstat pravorukým. CZ: 60

3 By 1 Triangle Reshape [C2]:

3 By 1 Triangle Reshape

CALLERLAB definition for Reshape The Triangle

Choreography for Reshape (The Triangle)

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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13-February-2025 02:24:36
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