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Relocate The Diamond [C2]
   (Gib Mattson 1974)
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From Twin Diamonds. EN: 10
Aus Twin Diamonds. DE: 10

Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Others Counter Rotate 1/4EN: 20
Die Very Centers tanzen einen Arm Turn 3/4, während die Anderen Counter Rotate 1/4 tanzen. DE: 20

Ends in Twin Diamonds. EN: 30
Endet in Twin Diamonds. DE: 30

Relocate The Diamond

Note: Some glossaries define Relocate The Diamond as Centers Fan The Top as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4. This does not follow the generalized rule for Relocate (The formation) [C2] as defined below. Such a definition could lead the caller to call Relocate The Diamond from questionable formations such as Facing Lines or Trade By. EN: 40
Hinweis: Einige Verzeichnisse definieren Relocate The Diamond als Centers Fan The Top as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4. Dies folgt nicht der verallgemeinerten Regel für Relocate (The {formation}) [C2], welche nachfolgend angeführt wird. Wir denken, daß eine solche Definition den Caller verleiten könnte, Relocate The Diamond aus fragwürdigen Ausgangsformationen wie z. B. Facing Lines oder Trade By zu verwenden. DE: 40

Relocate (The formation) [C2]:
From an Hourglass, "H", Mini-Butterfly, Point-to-Point Diamonds, Tidal Line, or other applicable formations. Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Others Counter Rotate 1/4. Symmetric setups end in the starting formation rotated by 90°. EN: 911
Aus einem Hourglass, "H", Mini-Butterfly, Point-to-Point Diamonds, usw. Die Very Centers tanzen einen Arm Turn 3/4, während die Anderen ein Counter Rotate 1/4 tanzen. Symmetrische Setups enden wieder in der gleichen Formation, jedoch um 90° gedreht. DE: 911

Relocate The Hourglass
Relocate The "H"

Choreography for Relocate The Diamond

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24-January-2025 12:14:32
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