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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Pitch {direction} | {anything} [C4]
   (Lee Kopman 1977)
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From Tandem dancers, Facing dancers, or Back-to-Back dancers. EN: 10
Tandem の人, 向かい合った人, または背中合わせの人から. JP: 10

Leaders Right Zing (1/4 Right and Run) as Trailers Circulate and turn 1/4 toward the given direction or do the anything call. EN: 20
Leader が右へ Zing (1/4 Right and Run) をする間に, Trailer は Circulate をして与えられた direction の方へ 1/4 向きを変えるか, anything のコールを行います. JP: 20

Pitch direction ends in a Couple or a Mini-Wave. EN: 30
Pitch direction は, カップルまたは Mini-Wave で終わります. JP: 30

Pitch Left
Pitch Single Wheel
 Leaders Right Zing
as Trailers Circulate
  original Trailers Single Wheel

  • If no direction or anything call is given the Trailers Circulate and do nothing else. EN: 40
    もし directionanything call がなかったときは, Trailer は Circulate の後, 何もしません. JP: 40
  • If a direction precedes the word 'Pitch', the Leader does the Zing toward that direction (i.e., 'Left Pitch Right' is a Leaders Left Zing as Trailers Circulate and 1/4 Right). EN: 50
    もし 'Pitch' の言葉の前に direction があるとき, Leader は Zing を, その direction の方へ行います (すなわち, 'Left Pitch Right' では Leader は Left Zing をし, Trailer は Circulate and 1/4 Right をします). JP: 50
  • If the given direction is 'In' or 'Out', do a 1/4 In | Out (as opposed to a Face In | Out). EN: 60
    もし与えられた direction が 'In' または 'Out' のときは, 1/4 In | Out をします (Face In | Out ではなく). JP: 60
  • Pitch Right is the same as Latch On [C3A]. EN: 70
    Pitch RightLatch On [C3A] と同じです. JP: 70

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17-February-2025 03:19:10
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