Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Parallel Waves, applicable Parallel Lines, Eight Chain Thru, 2 x 4 T-Bones, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Från Parallel Waves, tillämpliga Parallel Lines, Eight Chain Thru, 2 x 4 T-Bones, eller andra tillämpliga formationer. SE: 10

  1. Circulate;
  2. 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Those in the Center Line do a Hinge & Cross as the Others Any Hand Turn Thru. EN: 20
    De som kommer i den Center Line gör en Hinge & Cross medan de andra Any Hand Turn Thru. SE: 20

Usually ends in Back-to-Back Lines or T-Bones (with everyone facing out). EN: 30
Slutar vanligtvis i Lines rygg mot rygg eller i T-bones (där alla tittar ut). SE: 30

Från Parallel Waves:

Circulate 1 & 1/2
Center Wave Hinge & Cross
medan Outsides Turn Thru
Från en T-Bone 2 x 4:

Circulate 1 & 1/2
Center Wave Hinge & Cross
medan Outsides Turn Thru

Percolate But anything [C1V]:
Circulate 1 & 1/2; those in the Center Line do the anything call as the others Any Hand Turn Thru. EN: 597
Circulate 1 & 1/2; resulterande Center Line gör anything callet medan de andra gör Any Hand Turn Thru. SE: 597

Percolate But Ah So:

Percolate But Ah So
Circulate 1 & 1/2
Center Wave Ah So
medan Outsides Turn Thru

anything Percolate [C2]:

The anything call replaces the first Circulate. EN: 40
anything callet ersätter den första Circulate. SE: 40

anything & Cross [A1] (Jerry Haag 1983):
From applicable formations. Do the anything call (which must end in an applicable 2 x 2); Trailers diagonally Pull By using outside hands. EN: 116
Från tillämpliga formationer. Gör anything callet (vilket måste sluta i en tillämplig 2 x 2); Trailers diagonalt Pull By med den yttre handen. SE: 116

Nicely [C4] (Betty Fricker 1975):
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge & Cross. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 117
Från en Wave eller tillämplig Line om 4. Hinge & Cross. Slutar i Couples rygg mot rygg. SE: 117

Se också anything Coordinate | Motivate | Percolate | Perk Up [C2]. -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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