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Once Removed Diamond Concept [C2]
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From the formation obtained from Parallel Two-Faced Lines after the Outsides Concentric Follow Thru. EN: 10
Från den formation man får om från Parallel Two-Faced Lines Outsides gör en Concentric Follow Thru. SE: 10

A Once Removed Diamond is a Diamond in which you work with the dancers occupying the positions on every other plane from you. EN: 20
En Once Removed Diamond är en Diamond där du arbetar med de dansare som är i vartannat plan från dig. SE: 20

Work with these dancers in a Once Removed Diamond. EN: 30
Arbeta med de här dansarna i en Once Removed Diamond. SE: 30

Once Removed Diamond Circulate
Once Removed Diamond Drop In
Once Removed Cut The Diamond

In the above example, the Outsides' traffic pattern is to Dodge inward & Trade The Wave. EN: 40
I exemplet ovan är Outsides trafikmönster att göra en Dodge inåt & Trade The Wave. SE: 40

Note: Once Removed Diamond movements can often be danced as Siamese Twosome [C3A]. EN: 50
Notera: Once Removed Diamond call kan ofta dansas som Siamese Twosome [C3A]. SE: 50

Se också Once Removed CONCEPT [C2].

CALLERLAB definition for Once Removed Diamond Concept

Choreography för Once Removed Diamond Concept

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10-September-2024 07:44:09
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