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Nuclear Reaction [C3B]
   (Lee Kopman 1988)

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From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are directly facing an outside dancer. EN: 10
一般化された 1/4 Tag で Very Centers が外の人と真っすぐに向かい合っているところから. JP: 10

  1. Very Centers and directly-facing outside dancers Pass Thru; EN: 20
    Very Centers と真っすぐに向かい合っている外の人が Pass Thru をし; JP: 20
  2. Center 4 Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread to become Ends of Lines as the Others Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag; EN: 30
    Center 4 は Cast Off 1/4 and Roll and Spread をして Line の ends になり, 他の人は Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag をし; JP: 30
  3. all Counter Rotate 1/4. EN: 40
    全員で Counter Rotate 1/4 をします. JP: 40

Ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 50
平行な Line で終わります. JP: 50
This is a 3-part call. EN: 55
3 パートのコールです. JP: 55

Nuclear Reaction
 Those Facing Pass Thru
 Centers Cast Off 1/4 & Roll & Spread
as Ends Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag
 Counter Rotate 1/4

  • The Cast Off 1/4 can be from either a Mini-Wave or a Couple. EN: 60
    Cast Off 1/4 は Mini-Wave または Couple のどちらからでも行えます. JP: 60
  • Be sure to pass Right-shoulders on the Vertical 1/2 Tag. EN: 70
    Vertical 1/2 Tag では必ず右肩で通ってください. JP: 70

Cross Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
Same as Nuclear Reaction except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru with the diagonally-facing outside dancers. EN: 788
Nuclear Reaction と同じですが, Very Centers は斜めに向かい合っている外の人と斜めに Pass Thru をします. JP: 788

Cross Nuclear Reaction
Very Centers and diagonally-facing Outside dancers Jay Walk EN: 80

 Centers Cast Off 1/4 & Roll & Spread
as Ends Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag
 Counter Rotate 1/4

Those doing the Pass Thru (or Diagonal Pass Thru) should point at each other before moving as in Chain ReactionEN: 90
Pass Thru (または Diagonal Pass Thru) をする人は, Chain Reaction のときと同じように, 動く前にお互いに point すべきです. JP: 90

anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction [C3B]:
Do the anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full (Cross) Nuclear Reaction. The anything call is usually a Scoot Back variation of a Tagging call. EN: 789
anything call を最後の Extend の前まで行い, (Cross) Nuclear Reaction を全部行います. anything call は普通 tagging call の Scoot Back の応用です. JP: 789

次も見てください anything Reaction [C3A].

Choreography for Nuclear Reaction

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
07-December-2024 00:33:54
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