Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

Initially anyConcept anything

Do the first part of the anything call using the given CONCEPT; then do the remainder of the anything call (i.e., without using the given CONCEPT). EN: 10
Utför den första delen av anything callet och använd det CONCEPT som angivits; utför sedan resten av anything callet (dvs, utan att använda detta CONCEPT). SE: 10


Siamese Diamond Circulate
Very Centers Trade
Centers Cast Off 3/4
Initially Twice Triple Star Thru :

Star Thru Twice EN: 50
Star Thru två gånger SE: 50
Mirror Star Thru
Star Thru

Tandem Hinge
Centers Trade
Step & Fold

As Couples Scoot Back
Centers Cast Off 3/4
medan Outsides Cast Back & Touch 1/2
Centers Counter Rotate 1/4
medan Outsides Step & Fold
Initially Eight By Recoil:

Eight By Box Recycle
Step & Fold
Initially Checker Box Remake:

Checker Box Right Arm Turn 1/4
Centers Left Arm Turn 1/2
Right Arm Turn 3/4


(starting from Trade By formation): EN: 60
(börjar från Trade By formation): SE: 60

Finally Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the entire anything call applying the given CONCEPT only to the last part of the anything call. EN: 319
Utför hela anything callet men använd det CONCEPT som angivits på den sista delen av anything callet. SE: 319

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