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Exchange The Triangle [C3A]
   (Dave Hodson 1979)
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From Twin Triangles. EN: 10
Z formace Twin Triangles. CZ: 10

Do a total of three Triangle Circulates except that when you become 1) the Apex dancer (for Apex-to-Apex Triangles), or 2) the In-Facing Base dancer (for Base-to-Base Triangles); do your next Circulate to the other Triangle. (From Apex-to-Apex Triangles, the Circulate is an Interlocked Triangle Circulate; from Base-to-Base Triangles, the Circulate is to the diagonal opposite position.) Exchange The Triangle can be fractionalized into thirds. EN: 20
Jděte 3x Triangle Circulates, ale když se stanete buď 1) tanečníkem na vrcholu (Apex) (ve formaci Apex-to-Apex Triangles), nebo 2) In-Facing tanenčík na základně (ve formaci Base-to-Base Triangles); jděte svůj Circulate do druhého Triangle. (Z formace Apex-to-Apex Triangles je Circulate jako Interlocked Triangle Circulate; z formace Base-to-Base Triangles je Circulate diagonálně do protilehlé pozice.) Figura Exchange The Triangle může být rozdělena na třetiny. CZ: 20

From Apex-to-Apex Wave-Based Triangles (Very Centers lead) EN: 30
Z formace Apex-to-Apex Wave-Based Triangles (Very Centers vedou) CZ: 30

Exchange The Triangles
the left Triangle after 1/3... EN: 40
levý Triangle po 1/3... CZ: 40
From Base-to-Base Tandem-Based Triangles (Trailing Centers lead) EN: 50
Z formace Base-to-Base Tandem-Based Triangles (Trailing Centers vedou) CZ: 50

Exchange The Triangles
the left Triangle after 1/3... EN: 60
levý Triangle po 1/3... CZ: 60

Note: As with all Exchanges, do Circulates staying on the inside of your formation until the crossover point, and then do Circulates staying on the outside of the other formation (and adjust to end on footprints of the original formation). EN: 70
Poznámka: Stejně jako u všech Exchange, jděte Circulates uvnitř své formace až do místa přechodu do druhé formace, pak jděte Circulates vnějškem (a srovnejte se do pozic původní formace). CZ: 70

Exchange The 3 By 1 Triangle [NOL]
(Very Centers lead): EN: 80
(Very Centers vedou): CZ: 80
(do a total of 4 Circulates). EN: 85
(jděte celkem 4x Circulate). CZ: 85

Exchange The 3 By 1 Triangles
the left Triangle after 1/4... EN: 90
levý Triangle po 1/4... CZ: 90
Exchange The 3 By 1 Triangles [NOL]
(Very Centers lead): EN: 100
(Very Centers vedou): CZ: 100
(do a total of 4 Circulates). EN: 105
(jděte celkem 4x Circulate). CZ: 105

Exchange The 3 By 1 Triangles
the left Triangle after 1/4... EN: 110
levý Triangle po 1/4... CZ: 110

Viz také Exchange The Box [C3A].

CALLERLAB definition for Exchange The Triangle

Choreography for Exchange The Triangle

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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12-February-2025 16:58:40
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