Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Facing Couples or a Single Double Pass Thru. EN: 10
Från Facing Couples eller en Single Double Pass Thru. SE: 10

  1. Dixie Style To A Wave;
  2. Centers Hinge as the Ends U-Turn Back. EN: 20
    Centers Hinge medan Ends U-Turn Back. SE: 20

Ends in a R-H Diamond. EN: 30
Slutar i en R-H Diamond. SE: 30

Dixie Diamond is a 2-part call. EN: 40
Dixie Diamond är ett 2-delars call. SE: 40

Dixie Diamond
Dixie Style To A Wave
Centers Hinge
medan Ends U-Turn Back

Split Dixie Diamond [C1]:
From applicable T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Hinge as the Ends U-Turn Back. Usually ends in R-H Twin Diamonds. EN: 487
Från tillämpliga T-Bones. Split Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Hinge medan Ends U-Turn Back. Slutar vanligen i R-H Twin Diamonds. SE: 487

The following is an interesting example of Split Dixie Diamond which doesn't end in Twin Diamonds: EN: 50
Det följande är ett intressant exempel på Split Dixie Diamond som inte slutar i Twin Diamonds: SE: 50

Split Dixie Diamond
Split Dixie Style
(To A Column!)
Centers Hinge
medan Ends U-Turn Back

Dixie Hourglass [C1V] (Vic Ceder 1983):
Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers 1/2 Circulate as Ends U-Turn Back. Ends in a R-H Hourglass. EN: 488
Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers 1/2 Circulate medan Ends U-Turn Back. Slutar i ett R-H Hourglass. SE: 488

Dixie Interlocked Diamond [C1V] (Vic Ceder 1983):
Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Follow Thru (or Hinge & Slither) as Ends U-Turn Back, Ends in R-H Interlocked Diamonds. EN: 489
Dixie Style To A Wave; Centers Follow Thru (eller Hinge & Slither) medan Ends U-Turn Back. Slutar i R-H Interlocked Diamonds. SE: 489

You All [C4] (Norm Poisson 1976):
Centers Hinge as Ends U-Turn Back. Hence, a Dixie Diamond is a Dixie Style To A Wave You All. EN: 490
Centers Hinge medan Ends U-Turn Back. Följaktligen är Dixie Diamond en Dixie Style To A Wave You All. SE: 490

Se också Split [Square Thru] CONCEPT [C1]. -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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