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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Checker Board | Box {anything} [C3A]
   (Lee Kopman)
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From a 2 x 4 (or other applicable formations) with precisely two Leaders in each Line. EN: 10
Each Line に leader が 2 人だけの 2 x 4 (あるいは他の適切な formation) から. JP: 10

In the following diagrams, EN: 20
次の図で, JP: 20
designates the Leaders in each Line as EN: 22
は each Line の Leaders を示し, JP: 22
designates the other dancers. The dancers designated by EN: 24
は他のダンサーを示します. JP: 24
can be facing in any direction other than the same direction as the EN: 26
で示された人は, 1 x 4 で JP: 26
dancers in their 1 x 4. EN: 28
の人と同じ向きでなければどこを向いていてもかまいません. JP: 28

Leaders in a
R-H Wave setup... EN: 30
Leader が
右の Wave の setup... JP: 30
a L-H Wave setup... EN: 40
左の Wave の setup... JP: 40
a R-H 2FL setup... EN: 50
右の 2FL setup... JP: 50
a L-H 2FL setup. EN: 60
左の 2FL setup. JP: 60

Checker Board anything:
The Leaders in each Line ( EN: 70
Each Line の Leader ( JP: 70
dancers) Trade with each other as the others do the anything call working in a distorted 1 x 4. Ends in a 2 x 4. EN: 75
の人) がお互いに Trade をする間に, 他の人は anything call を distorted 1 x 4 で行います. 2 x 4 で終わります. JP: 75

Checker Box anything:
The Leaders in each Line ( EN: 80
Each Line の Leader ( JP: 80
dancers) Trade with each other as the others do the anything call working in a distorted 2 x 2. Ends in a 2 x 4. EN: 85
の人) がお互いに Trade をする間に, 他の人は anything call を distorted 2 x 2 で行います. 2 x 4 で終わります. JP: 85

Note: The others ( EN: 90
注釈: 他の人 (上の図で JP: 90
dancers) in the above diagrams may be facing any direction. If there are more than two Leaders in Lines, the caller must specify who will Trade by saying 'Prefer the anyone to Trade, all Checker Board | Box anything'. EN: 95
の人) はどこを向いていてもかまいません. もし, Line に Leader が 3 人以上いるなら, コーラーは 'Prefer the anyone to Trade, all Checker Board | Box anything' のように言って, Trade する人を指示しなければなりません. JP: 95

Hint: dancers who do the Trade can help the other dancers by precisely doing their Trade and then identifying the adjacent vacated positions by pointing to them. EN: 100
ヒント: Trade をする人は, 正確に Trade をすることと, 両側が空きになった人はそこを指差して識別することで, 他の人を助けることができます. 訳者注: 両側が空きになった人は, 両腕を真っ直ぐ横へ延ばし, 手首を曲げて人差し指で床を指します. JP: 100

CONTRAST Checker Board Recycle WITH Checker Box RecycleEN: 110
Checker Board RecycleChecker Box Recycle の対比. JP: 110
Checker Board Recycle

Checker Board Recycle
Leaders Trade
as Trailers make a 1 x 4 EN: 120

Re-establishing footprints EN: 130
の後 JP: 130

Checker Box Recycle

Checker Box Recycle
Leaders Trade
as Trailers make a 2 x 2 EN: 140

Re-establishing footprints EN: 130
の後 JP: 130


Note: Checker Board | Box is often taught as: Leaders Trade as the Others move into the Center and make the given formation (a 1 x 4 if Checker Board, or a 2 x 2 if Checker Box), do the anything call and then get back to the vacated spots. As dancers, we prefer to do the anything call working in a Distorted Column | Line | Wave | Box. That is, try to stay on the original spots and only move off them if necessary. For example, from Parallel L-H Waves, if the call is Checker Box Cross & Turn, the Trailing End (Belle) would simply U-Turn Back instead of move into the Center, make a Box, U-Turn Back, and Veer out to become an End. EN: 160

Checker Board Dixie Style To A Wave

Checker Board
Dixie Style To A Wave
Leaders in Lines Trade
as Others Distorted Column
Dixie Style To A Wave EN: 170


Checker formation anything [C4] (Vic Ceder):
Leaders (who must be in Lines) Trade with each other as the others do the anything call working in a distorted formation. The designated formation is a 4-dancer formation such as a Diamond, Single 1/4 Tag, or "Z". Hence, Checker Board could alternatively be called as Checker Column, Checker Line, or Checker Wave. EN: 291
Leaders は (Line にいること) お互いに Trade をし, 他の人は anything call を distorted formation で行います. 指示される formation は Diamond, Single 1/4 Tag, "Z" のような 4 人の formation です. したがって, Checker Board は Checker Column, Checker Line, Checker Wave ともコールされます. JP: 291

Checker Diamond Cut The Diamond

Checker Diamond
Cut The Diamond
Leaders in Lines Trade
as Others Distorted Diamond
Cut The Diamond EN: 180


CALLERLAB definition for Checker Board/Box Anything

Choreography for Checker Board | Box anything

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24-January-2025 14:11:04
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