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{fraction} Cast & Relay [C3B]
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From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru. EN: 10
Z formací Parallel Waves nebo Eight Chain Thru. CZ: 10

  1. Arm Turn the given fractionEN: 20
    Arm Turn o daný zlomek (fraction); CZ: 20
  2. Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends 1/2 Circulate; EN: 30
    Centers Cast Off 3/4, Ends 1/2 Circulate; CZ: 30
  3. Centers turn the Star the given fraction as the others Trade; EN: 40
    Centers otočí hvězdu o daný zlomek (fraction), ostatní Trade; CZ: 40
  4. those who meet (Center Wave of 4) Cast Off 3/4 as the others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). EN: 50
    ti, co se potkají (Center Wave of 4) Cast Off 3/4, ostatní move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). CZ: 50

Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 60
Končí ve formaci Parallel Waves. CZ: 60

There is no default fraction for this call. EN: 70
Pro tuto figuru není definovaná žádná implicitní hodnota fractionCZ: 70

1/4 Cast & Relay:

1/4 Cast & Relay
Arm Turn 1/4
Centers Cast Off 3/4
jako Ends 1/2 Circulate
Centers Star 1/4 jako Outsides Trade
Those who meet Cast Off 3/4
as Others move up EN: 80
Ti, co se potkají, Cast Off 3/4
, ostatní move up CZ: 80

  • Cast & Relay is a Relay The Top [C1] with both the initial Arm Turn and the Star turning the same given fractionEN: 90
    Cast & Relay je a Relay The Top [C1] s tím, že jak počáteční Arm Turn, tak točení hvězdy, se dělá o ten samý zlomek (fraction). CZ: 90
  • Be careful on 1/4 Cast & Relay since it has two 1/4 turns and two 3/4 turns in it. EN: 100
    Při 1/4 Cast & Relay buďte opatrní, protože obsahuje dvě točení o 1/4 a dvě o 3/4 turns. CZ: 100
  • 1/2 Cast & Relay is identical to Relay The Top, Star 1/2EN: 110
    1/2 Cast & Relay je totéž co Relay The Top, Star 1/2CZ: 110


Star 1/4; Star 1/2; Star 3/4; and Don't Turn The StarEN: 120
Star 1/4; Star 1/2; Star 3/4; a Don't Turn The StarCZ: 120

fraction Cast & Relay But anything [C3BV]:
Do a fraction Cast & Relay but replace the final Centers Cast Off 3/4 with the Centers doing the anything call. EN: 748
Proveďte fraction Cast & Relay a nahraďte poslední Centers Cast Off 3/4 tím, že Centers provedou figuru anythingCZ: 748

{i - j - k - l} Relay The Top [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru. Arm Turn i/4; Centers Arm Turn j/4 as Ends 1/2 Circulate; Center Star (Diamond) Circulate k spots as Others Trade; those who meet Cast Off l/4 as Others move up to the end in Parallel Waves or Facing Twin Diamonds. This is the same as {i-j-k-l} 1/4 The Deucey [C4] except for the Outsides Trade. EN: 529
Z formací Parallel Waves a Eight Chain Thru. Arm Turn i/4; Centers Arm Turn j/4, Ends 1/2 Circulate; Center Star (Diamond) Circulate k pozic, ostatní Trade; ti, co se potkají, Cast Off l/4, ostatní move up. Končí v Parallel Waves nebo Facing Twin Diamonds. CZ: 529

Choreography for fraction Cast & Relay

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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13-February-2025 15:32:56
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