Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

A Butterfly consists of dancers occupying the following spots in a 4 x 4 Matrix: EN: 10
En Butterfly er en column hvor End danserne har 2 positioner imellem sig. Butterfly Circulate: Fra en Butterfly formation: Alle dansere bevæger sig fremad én position i cirkulationsmønsteret vist nedenfor. DK: 10


From here... EN: 20
Herfra... DK: 20
imagine you are here. EN: 30
Forestil dig du er her. DK: 30

A Butterfly is considered to be distorted Columns, as if the outside dancers slid apart from normal Columns. EN: 40
En Butterfly er at betragte som distorted Columns, som om yderdanserne er gledet væk fra hinanden fra normale columns. DK: 40

Butterfly Circulate
imagine you are here EN: 50
Forestil dig du er her DK: 50
Checkmate The Column

Traffic pattern: For simple calls (such as Circulate, Walk & Dodge, etc.) move directly to your ending footprints. For more complex calls, start the call working distorted, blend into a normal setup, complete the call normally, and then have the resulting Ends move away from the Center in order to re-establish the Butterfly footprints. EN: 60
Traffik mønstre: For simple calls (som Circulate, Walk & Dodge, osv.) gå direkte til dit slut-footprint. For mere complexe calls, start callet fra Butterfly og glid ind I den normale formation - udfør callet som normalt og til slut skal Ends bevæge sig væk fra Centeret for at retablere Butterfly formationen. DK: 60

Sometimes the caller may wish you to start the call in your Butterfly but finish in a normal setup. In these cases the caller will put a suffix such as 'To Normal Waves', 'To A Line', 'To Columns', etc. (e.g., Butterfly Transfer The Column To Normal Waves). EN: 70
Nogle gange vil Calleren starte Callet fra en Butterfly og ønske det endt I en normal formation. Her vil Calleren tilføje såsom "To normal Waves", "To a Line", "To Columns" osv.. (eks. Butterfly Transfer The Column To Normal Waves). DK: 70

Note: A Butterfly can also be T-Bone in which case you do your part working within your set of distorted Columns. EN: 80
Bemærk: En Butterfly kan også være T-Bone og I de tilfælde skal du udføre din part af kaldet I den forskudte columns. DK: 80

From here... EN: 20
Herfra... DK: 20
imagine you are here... EN: 90
Forestil dig du er her... DK: 90
... or here. EN: 100
... eller her. DK: 100
Split Counter Rotate 1/4

Mini-Butterfly [C1V]:
A Mini-Butterfly is a 6-dancer Butterfly. E.g., from an Hourglass Ignore the points of the Center Diamond. EN: 578
En Mini-Butterfly er en 6-danser Butterfly. Eks. "Fra en Hourglass Ignore the points of the Center Diamond". DK: 578

Mini-Butterfly FORMATION

think of working here EN: 110
Forestil dig du er her DK: 110

Big Block CONCEPT [C3A]:
From applicable 4 x 4 Matrix formations such as Interlocked Blocks, a Butterfly, or an "O". Do the call working in distorted Parallel Lines. EN: 337

"X" CONCEPT [C4] (Jim Davis):
An "X" occupies the same footprints as a Butterfly but is considered to be two diagonal Columns which cross over each other in the middle. An "X" Circulate is the same as a Butterfly Circulate, except that the #3 dancers (in-facing Centers) do a Concentric Box Crossover Circulate (Jaywalk with each other). EN: 579

See also "O" FORMATION [C1] og Squeeze [C1]. -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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