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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Breaker {anything} [C3A]
   (Lee Kopman 1976)
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From Columns, Magic Columns, or applicable T-Bone 2 x 4s. EN: 10
Columns, Magic Columns, または適切な T-Bone になっている 2 x 4 から. JP: 10

Ends Cast Off 3/4 as Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Box Circulate; Center Line does the anything call (if the anything call is a number such as 1, 2, or 3, then Cast Off that many quarters) as the others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate). EN: 20
Ends は Cast Off 3/4 を, Centers は Box Counter Rotate 1/4 をして 1/2 Box Circulate をします. そして, Center Line が anything call (もし anything call が 1, 2, 3 のような数だったら, 1/4 にその数を掛けた Cast Off 1/4, Cast Off 2/4(1/2), Cast Off 3/4) をし, 他の人は move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) をします. JP: 20

Usually ends in Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds, or an Hourglass depending upon the anything call. EN: 30
anything call によりますが, 普通 Parallel Lines, Twin Diamonds または Hourglass で終わます. JP: 30

Breaker Mix:

Breaker Mix
Outsides Cast Off 3/4
as Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/4
と 1/2 Box Circulate
those in the Outside Diamond 'move up'. EN: 40
Outside Diamond の人が'move up' JP: 40

This position is a Breaker Nothing
Those in the Center Line now need to do the anything call. EN: 45
ここが Breaker Nothing.
Center Line の人が anything call をする必要があります JP: 45
 Centers Mix

  • After the first part, outside dancers ( EN: 50
    始めのパートの後, outside dancers (上の図で JP: 50
    , , ,
    in the above diagrams) move up (to become ends of lines or points of diamonds) and do not get involved in the anything call. EN: 55
    ) は move up をし, anything call には加わらないことを忘れないでください. JP: 55
  • Breaker 3 is the most common usage of this call. It feels a lot like a Linear Action or Tally-Ho. EN: 60
    Breaker 3 が一番普通の使い方で, Linear Action または Tally-Ho にとても感じが似ています. JP: 60

CALLERLAB definition for Breaker Anything

Choreography for Breaker anything

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03-December-2024 12:09:36
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