Never Called
Author:  Vic Ceder
Starts from:  Improper
Progression:  Normal
Difficulty:  Medium
Rating:  not rated
Calls used:  1/2 Hey, Box Circulate, Long Wave, Spin/Slide Right/Left

A1  Neighbor Right Pull By + New Neighbor Left Allemande once to Long Waves (Gents In, Ladies Out);
Balance R+L + Spin/Slide Right.
A2  Balance L+R + Spin/Slide Left;
Box Circulate 3 spots.
B1  1/2 Hey (pass R-Shoulders, then Ladies Left...);
Partner Swing.
B2  Gents RIGHT Allemande 1 & 1/2;
Neighbor Left Allemande 1 & 1/4 to face new neighbors.

