Outside The BoxID: 31

Never Called
Author:  Vic Ceder
Starts from:  Becket
Progression:  Normal
Difficulty:  Medium
Rating:  not rated
Calls used:  1/2 Hey, California Twirl, Orbit, Turn Alone

A1  Balance Ring + California Twirl (to face out);
(out-facing) Forward & Back, turning alone on beat 4 or 5.
A2  Gents Left Allemande once as Ladies clockwise Orbit;
Neighbor Swing.
B1  Ladies Left Allemande once as Gents clockwise Orbit;
Partner Swing.
B2  Ladies start LEFT 1/2 Hey;
Partner Right Allemande 1 & 1/4, Lady fold behind Gent to walk forward to progress + face In.

