C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve  (Hard)
Counter Rotate, Pass The Axle, Shakedown, Stretch, Tandem, Triple Box, Wheel Fan Thru, Zing

Heads Wheel Fan Thru,

Pass The Axle,

Pass Thru,

Switch To A Diamond,

Cut The Diamond,

Stretch Cycle & Wheel,

Tandem Reverse Swap Around,

Tandem Shakedown Individually Roll,

Girls Left 1/4 Thru,

Diamond Circulate,

Boys Swing Thru 1 & 1/4,

Flip The Hourglass,(crash),

Triple Box Counter Rotate,

Left Roll To A Wave,

Ends Counter Rotate & Roll,

Centers Zing & Backaway Home

Submitted by: Don Kinnear